Tennis elbow - treatment
Tennis elbow - treatment
What is "tennis elbow"?
Pain along the outside of the elbow: The main symptom is pain along the outside of the elbow, which can be mild to very intense. The pain often increases when pressing on the outside of the elbow or when bending and extending the arm.
Pain when grasping and lifting objects: The feeling of pain is usually increased when grasping and lifting objects, especially if it is done with an outstretched arm or an arm that is bent inward.
Weakness in the forearm: A person may notice weakness in the muscles of the forearm, which can make it difficult to perform daily activities that include grasping and lifting.
Tenderness and pain to touch: The skin around the outside of the elbow may become tender to the touch, and pressure on this area may cause additional discomfort.
Pain when extending the hand: A person may feel pain when extending the hand, especially if simultaneously rotating the hand upwards.
Pain when trying to squeeze: Trying to squeeze or squeeze the hand can cause pain in the outer part of the elbow.