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Facial nerve
The facial nerve or nervus facialis is the seventh cranial nerve whose function is extremely important. It enables movement and motility of facial muscles, affects hearing and helps in the process of human nutrition. Damage to this nerve can cause functional, aesthetic and psychological disorders in people.
Facial paralysis
Facial paralysis or paresis is a disease characterized by the asymmetry of one half of the face. Patients diagnosed with facial paralysis (facialis) cannot wrinkle their forehead, close their eyes, or move the part of their face that is affected by the paralysis. Also, the corner of their lips is lowered on the affected side.
Insufficient secretion of lacrimal glands occurs very often in patients, which leads to burning or dryness of the eye, disturbed sense of taste, as well as unpleasant noise and ringing in the ear. This type of facial palsy is also called Bell's palsy.
The most common symptoms of Bell's palsy are tingling and burning of the affected part of the face, severe pain behind the ear, impaired ability to swallow, loss or change in the sense of taste, etc. Among the possible symptoms are the inability to blink, close the eyes, laugh, secrete tears and saliva, and facial expressions are often blocked. Blinking, eye closing, laughing, salivation and tears and facial expressions (furrowing of the forehead) are disabled. The skin of the face and half of the mouth are relaxed and the patient cannot control the movements of the facial muscles on the affected side.
The muscle that lifts the upper eyelid does not get sick, so the eye can open normally, but it is not possible to close the eyelids. This is precisely why the cornea dries out.
In addition to the above, these are also symptoms of Bell's palsy of the face:
In most cases, the causes of Bell's palsy are not known. Exposure to cold (draught, open car window or wet hair) is thought to be the most common cause of Bell's palsy. However, other traumas such as skull bone injuries, inflammation of the middle ear, various tumors, herpes zoster, Lyme disease, etc., can lead to the occurrence of this disease.
White's palsy affects men more often. It mostly affects one half of the face. The face becomes paralyzed and "falls", so that the patient cannot raise the eyebrow, the corner of the mouth, furrow the forehead and close the eye. After the first symptoms appear, after mild burning and tingling of the face, complete or partial paralysis of the face occurs within 48 hours.
The treatment of Bell's palsy of the face is related to the cause of the disease. Regardless of the cause of the disease, treatment should be started as soon as possible so that the favial nerve can return to function as soon as possible.
Treatment of Bell's palsy is carried out with the use of drugs and physical therapy, or in more severe cases surgically (relief of pressure on the nerve, fusion of nerves, reconstructive procedures). Twisting of the lower eyelid (ectropion) requires surgical treatment.
White's palsy is treated with corticosteroid drugs, and treatment can last for months. In the treatment of the consequences on the eye, artificial tears are used (very frequent instillation), as well as eye ointments. The eye must be covered at night to maintain its moisture.
Physical therapy plays an important role in the treatment of Bell's palsy of the face. Physical therapy consists of a series of procedures such as: manual lymphatic drainage, temporomandibular joint treatment, craniosacral therapy, neurophysiotherapy, myofascial mobilization, acupressure, intention exercises and strengthening of the affected muscles, sensory treatment, magnetic therapy, electrotherapy (electrostimulation, TENS, therapeutic laser).
Physical therapy and treatment of Bell's palsy very often involves electrostimulation of the muscles of the affected side of the face, as well as performing exercises in front of a mirror.
Bell's palsy usually resolves within 6 months. Some inflammations can recur, and sometimes the nerve cannot recover at all or completely. Paralysis of the face and facial nerve should be taken seriously.
Our experience in the treatment of Bell's palsy is extensive. By applying physical therapy, we achieve more than satisfactory results in the treatment of this disease, and our patients recover quickly.
Will facial physical therapy hurt?
Facial physical therapy does not aim to injure the patient or increase the pain, but to relieve the pain. However, as you regain your mobility, pain levels can sometimes fluctuate. During physical therapy, the patient may experience temporary pain from using muscles that are weakened or recovering. This is a normal response of the patient's face to therapeutic treatments.
Good communication with our physical therapist will help reduce any discomfort. We will definitely do our best to ensure that you do not feel even the slightest temporary pain during the physical therapy treatment.
Physical treatment for facial paresis
4.000 din
4.000 din
Package for 10 physical treatments for facial paresis + control examination
36.000 din
36.000 din
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In installments through the PIO fund for pensioners
Electronic card (Visa, Master, Dina, etc.)
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Focus Fizikal is a leading private clinic for physical therapy in Belgrade. For more than 10 years, we have been providing high-quality services that enable quick recovery and healing of our patients.
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