Physical therapy
Physical therapy Belgrade. Physical Therapy Center Focus Fizikal & Beauty offers top professional services from licensed certified physiotherapists. Our approach to treating any patient is primarily individual and humanly. About our success in treating various diseases by physical therapy, you can read in our many satisfied patients posts. Our clinic has the most modern equipment for physical therapy. We also offer facial and body treatments. For more information about this type of service, please call us on 064 258 89 85.
Physical therapy Belgrade | Services
Physical therapy Belgrade
High standards
Physical Therapy Clinic Focus Physics offers top professional services from licensed certified physiotherapists.
Committed team
Primary activity Focus Physics is patient care and that after our services you feel happy and satisfied.
Modern equipment
Our office has the most modern equipment produced by renowned manufacturers.
I was diagnosed with disc hernation in november, last year. I was experiencing terrible pains... After therapies in Focus Fizical clinic, i feel much better. I can walk again, i can sit again ...
I play basketball for over 20 years. 4 months ago I suffered a major point finger fracture of my left hand. After 5-6 therapies in Focus my finger went to a normal state and today I don't have any issues with my finger anymore. Thanks Focus!!!
I am very surprised with your proffesional interaction with patients. It was a rare case to feel such a lovely interaction from your employees while they were treating me in Focus Fizikal. After few medical massages and treatments i felt significantly better. Once again i have to great everyone at Focus Fizical.
Physical therapy Belgrade
Physical therapy Belgrade | Frequent questions
Many patients who suffer from chronic pain have tried several unsuccessful treatments. Up to 80% of these patients say that our treatment has solved their problem.
It is possible that you will have a mild feeling of discomfort during treatment, depending on the level of inflammation and pain in the affected area. However, since the treatment lasts only about five minutes, most patients can tolerate this discomfort. In addition, the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted during the session.
The number of treatments varies depending on the indication and the tissue response. The treatment effect is cumulative, so it usually takes more than one (3-5) treatment. Very often, you will experience relief after the first treatment.
Most indications require 3-5 treatments that are administered separately for 3-10 days, depending on the tolerance of the patient and their response to the tissue.