Specialist examination, Physical therapy Belgrade

Specialist Examination Of Physiatrist And Orthopedic

Specialist examination of physiatrist and orthopedic, Physical therapy Belgrade

On the basis of diagnosis, the clinical picture of each individual is made up of an individual work program for the best outcome for the patient. Within our physical therapy services we distinguish conditions after fracture, back pain (discus hernia), discopathy, arthrosis, work with children and medical massage.

The physiatrist's examination includes a general examination and a special part of the examination.In the general part of the examination, the doctor will devote himself to talking with the patient and take an anamnesis: personal data, primary complaints of the patient, possible previous diseases and surgical interventions, data on the beginning and development of the current disease, as well as family anamnesis.

In the special (clinical) part of the examination, the doctor evaluates the functional state of the patient by examining the posture and posture of the body, gait, active and passive mobility of the spine and all joints, reflex activity, sensibility, tone, muscle trophism and strength, the state of peripheral circulation, activity test daily Life (ADZ test) when necessary.

In addition to the clinical examination, if it is determined that it is necessary, additional diagnostic tests are carried out, such as: laboratory tests (blood and urine tests, X-rays, CT scanner, magnetic resonance imaging, EMNG (electromyoneurography of the hands and feet), ULTRASOUND of soft tissues and joints) , DOPPLER of the blood vessels of the neck, upper and lower extremities, DEXA scan to assess bone density.

When do you need to see a physiatrist?

  • Pain and tension in the neck, pain and tingling in the hands;
  • Pain in the lower back, pain and tingling in one or both legs, lumboischialgia (sciatica);
  • Pain in the thoracic spine, pain between the shoulder blades, intercostal neuralgia
  • Pain in peripheral joints (knees, hips, small joints of the hips), arthrosis or degenerative joint diseases (gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis...);
  • Painful shoulder, so called "Frozen Shoulder"
  • Pain in the area of ​​the elbow, the so-called tennis elbow or golfer's elbow;
  • Foot pain, heel pain, inflammation of the plantar fascia, heel spur;
  • Degenerative diseases of the spinal column (spondylosis, disc herniation);
  • Extra-articular rheumatism (inflammation of soft tissues around joints, inflammation of tendons (tendinitis), inflammation of muscle attachments (enthesitis);
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Muscle injuries (contusions-bruises, distension-strains, ruptures, i.e. tearing of muscles);
  • Sprain of ligaments, rupture of fascia and ligaments;
  • Injuries and sprains of the globes (distortions, subluxations, luxations);
  • Meniscus and ankle ligament injuries;
  • Conditions after bone fractures...
Our Associates

Dr Radoje Cobeljic - specialist of physical medicine, physiatrist. Work experience 28 years, clinic for rehabilitation Dr Miroslav Zotovic in Belgrade.

Call, make an appointment because WE ARE FOCUS PHYSICAL!